Distance Education Must Have a Quality Control

The COVID-19 pandemic forced many schools and universities around the globe to go remote. Someone may have thought: “It should be easy, just deliver lectures through any app and you’ll be alright!”. Well, it didn’t work like that. What about exams- how can you be sure that it’s the exact student who takes an exam? Or what’s with interim tests -do we really know who passes them? And don’t even get started on online lectures, which usually can’t engage students in educational process.

The obvious answer to all these questions has always been a proctoring. So why could we all miss the online proctoring? All important tests and exams are to be taken under control, both human and automatic with eye-tracking, screen recording and such. Of course, there should be a healthy balance, since 24/7 studying in front of the camera is making students nervous. Nonetheless, online proctoring and other types of online monitoring are the only things that could provide the quality education which is instrumental for universities. Otherwise, the prestige of school certificates and university degrees would drop drastically, and that’s unacceptable for all but a few institutions.