Obvious Tips of LP Creation that Marketers for Some Reason Forget

We have gathered the most popular basic landing page (LP) design tips from our experts and are happy to present you with the that ones are universal and at the same time easy to implement.

  • State your main advantage on the first screen. Your unique selling proposition (USP) must be at the very beginning.
  • Keep the first proposal as short as possible (only useful words). Each subsequent proposal should develop the main one (one video for the entire landing page). Remove any information that is not supported by USP.
  • Add emotions if possible. Website content should evoke emotions. Facts and statistics may be reported where possible and appropriate. A call to action is needed at the end (e.g. a contact requestform).
    • Define one main message and center your LP design around it. Use straightforward and clear illustrations. Add a simple infographic if possible.
    • Conduct A / B testing. Oddly enough, only 17 % of marketers said in a survey1 they were doing it.

1State of Marketing Report, HubSpot, 2020