Popular Marketing Strategies 2020 for Businesses of Various Sizes

According to a research presented in the report Marketing Budgets: 2019-2020, businesses of various sizes prefercompletely different marketing strategies. For example, companies with up to 20 employees consider SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to be the main channel1. Medium-sized businesses (21-50 employees) choose Growth Hacking. Content marketing is chosen by companies with a staff of 100 to 1000 employees. Large corporations choose both PPC (Pay Per Click) and content marketing.

Don’t be confused by the online marketers’s chit-chat – here’s an explanation. Micro Business interest in SEO is due to the obvious lack of human resources and marketing budget. Therefore, the most effective in this case will be the concentration on SEO. Growth Hacking is a relatively new trend that emerged from the start-up sphere. Here, the interest comes from the flexibility of the own marketing team. It is easier for them to find right strategies. In case of an error, this “locomotive” easily stops and can be direct another way. Why do large companies choose content marketing? Content marketing is a rather resource intensive strategy. You need to have a clear idea of ​​what and where you will publish, constantly generate something new. This requires a well-staffed qualified staff or a dedicated budget and a good manager who will control the process. Not everyone can afford this.

Of course, the choice of marketing strategy also depends on other characteristics of the company: industry, product, resources, ambition, etc. However when choosing a marketing strategy consider the size of your company as the first approximation of what strategy is right for you.

1 —Under the main channel, we understand the direction in which the company is invest more human and financial resources.